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Initial Project Definition

The target users of Project SCRAWL will be facilities staff (defined as maintenance and custodial workers and supervisors) within the Department of Housing and Residence Education. Currently, many staff members have difficulty in communicating through oral and written means. While the department conducts workshops in writing and communication on a regular basis, consistent practice is needed. Facilities staff often have difficulties in leaving their work assignments to attend in-person training sessions and express the need for a flexible learning environment for improving their written communication. However, they also express need for expert instructors who are available to guide them as they navigate the difficult subject matter of writing.


The online course known as Project SCRAWL will provide a socially-connected online virtual platform of goal-directed modules for this unique group of users to be able to learn and practice writing professional skills.  Since no other product currently exists on the market to meet the unique needs and goals of our target users, Project SCRAWL provides a much needed solution for these specific problems.


Initial Vision and Project Goal


  1. Improving the professionalism of their workforce writing skills, and

  2. Building confidence in their overall writing ability


This will be done through a carefully designed virtual environment of instructional and practice activities, peer reviews, focused recognition and encouragement for positive interactions on the platform (e.g. through badges, scores, or similar means), and an emphasis on transferable skills needed for their current jobs or simply for lifelong improvement. Some of the Modules within the course include:


  1. English Grammar (Foundations and Advanced)

  2. Sentence Mechanics

  3. Persuasive Writing

  4. Professional Communication (including writing workplace evaluations, performance reviews, resumes, cover letters, and giving professional presentations, and conducting interviews)


This course will provide for a seamless experience inside of the department's SharePoint system in which Housing and Residence Education staff members can improve their writing skills. The course will provide the users a low-stress learning environment, which is already part of their day-to-day working experience.


Learning Goals


  • Create habits of pre-writing practice (because the users do not usually spend much time planning before they write.)

  • Appropriate examples of fact and opinion to effectively support their arguments and fluency of expression.  

  • Differentiate various vocabulary words (synonyms, homonyms) in various contexts in order to enhance their precision and variety of expression.

  • Synthesize elements of effective paragraph structure and organization.

© 2018 James Kline, Project SCRAWL

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